Keep The North Shore Country Dupes Hawaiian Groups In To Stupid Protest
It makes me sick that Hawaiian groups that I know, love and belong to are being dragged in to the battle over Turtle Bay. Keep The North Shore Country has conned `Ilio`ulaokalani Coalition in to fighting their battle for them.
The two groups are planning to protest at Turtle Bay on Saturday March 17 against "Hawaiian Burial Sites on the property".
This is disgusting.
First of all, KTNSC has been fighting against Kuilima for more than a year. This means nothing to them other than another excuse to harass a legal business that they don't like.
KTNSC has been doing anything and everything to try and stop Turtle Bay. Since their first lawsuit failed, they have filed another lawsuit. Since they lost in court, they are trying to get legislation passed against Turtle Bay. You should have seen the faces of the people at the North Shore Neighborhood Board Meeting when they were told that the amended SB 851 bill would include areas outside of Turtle Bay like Pipeline and Sunset. Their faces dropped faster than the lifeguards responding to rescue Mark C. during the Pipeline Surf Contest.
So they got one person in the government to hear their story and write an opinion saying there are Hawaiian remains in the land that Turtle Bay owns and the set back for development should be 750 feet. Turtle Bay said rules and laws are already in place and they will take care of remains according to existing law and customs. KTNSC saw another excuse to raise a ruckus and they convinced a legitimate group of Hawaiian activists to "join" them.
Let's speak the truth here. Turtle Bay land, almost the entire property, has been developed in the past via the Kahuku Airfield on the Kahuku side. Arnold Palmer tilled the land after the sugar mill used it to build a golf course. Ditto George Fazio to build his golf course along with the condominiums and the hotel that exists. There were homes on the Kahuku side of Kawela Bay not to long ago. There have been cattle, sheep and sugar raised and harvested on this land.
If there are remains, they will be handled respectfully.
You know, I know and KTNSC knows that this is a shabai protest. I mourn for the true believers who have been lied to by these people who will use them only for their own benefit.
So protesting on St. Patrick's Day at Kuilima is going to accomplish what? It will make the Serial Protesters feel righteous. It will disturb the guests and workers of Turtle Bay (many Hawaiians themselves) and the Kuilima East and West Condo owners and their guests. It will disturb our tourists, it will cause traffic jams and it will solve nothing other than stoking these people's egos.
I feel sorrow, I feel sick to my stomach that the good Hawaiians who fight the good fight are being used and abused by these selfish people at KTNSC for their own purposes.
At 3/15/2007 5:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
It seems like if groups you know, love and belong to have decided to join with KTNSC, you might take a minute to reevaluate your own position. Why would they do this? Are they that stupid that they could be duped by some activists from Kewala Bay or Sunset Beach?
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