Strange Story Out of Hauula - "Parent Arrested at Classroom Door"
I ran across an odd and disturbing story in on the Hawaii Reporter website. The headline and lead paragraphs are as follows:
Parent Arrested at Classroom Door Hauula Elementary Community Rises Up to Protest Alleged Drugs, Prostitution and Unsafe Conditions on Campus; Arrest Comes After Rising Tension Between Parents and School Officials By Laura Brown, 5/11/2007 9:51:09 AM
An ongoing spat between parents and Hauula Elementary School officials has landed one mother in jail yesterday, and launched a typically quiet, low-key community into an uproar.
Davina Sanders, parent of a first and second grader at Hauula Elementary School, had her worst fears realized Thursday, May 10, when police officers confronted her after school at teacher Zenobia Iese’s classroom, and told the surprised mother that she was under arrest. Iese is Sanders' mother and a teacher at Hauula Elementary School....
My first reaction is Nah, that's too strange. Daughter arrested at Mother's classroom after accusing Mom of prostitution? I have not seen anything in the Advertiser or Bulletin so I'm not sure what to think. Anyone have another version of this story or can shed some light?
At 8/29/2007 8:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is one of the worst case of bullying that I have ever personally witnessed. This is not the children bullying other children, this is the mothers bullying the teachers. There are a couple of parents that have some vendeta against a couple of the teachers at Hauula Elementry for whatever reason. They have taken it to board meetings and intimidated the entire neighborhood board with their abusive rantings about unfounded slander. I was in several of these meetings trying to get valuable community information yet these vulgar and abusive women take over the meeting with their intimidation tactics. Someone has to do something about these women run-a-muck. They are a menace and need to be stopped. How can our teachers do their jobs when they are under attack from these bullys? Where are the good people in the community to back up our teachers? Someone has to make a stand and say "NO, Bullying, intimidation, verbal abuse & slander are NOT OK". Whatever sick thrill these women get from frightening other women and disrupting the lives of many needs to be addressed.
Since they have been so publically verbally violent and threatening I am truly surprised that there has not been some legal recourse to stop them. One night after a meeting (where they were NOT on the agenda) they ranted for over 25 minutes and a few of the men walked two of the women teachers out to their cars for fear of their safety. This is unexceptable, who keeps watch on our schools? Is not this woman being arrested at the school a big clue that she & her fellow bullys need to be stopped?
A concerned Hauula resident.
At 12/06/2007 1:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
OPP Other People's Oppions watch out for this. the so called 'concerned resident of hauula' is highly oppinionated yet shed no truth nor light on the trues at hand, 'the safety and wellbeing of our children, our parents and families' at Hauula Elementary School.
Please get your facts straight about the reported situation. Please reread the Hawaii Reporter Article provided and 'get it from the horses mouth'--meaning find out the truth and more of it before misleading and misinforming the 'public'.
How did the person who posted this article misinterpret and misunderstand the cause and effect of a parent being arrested for trespassing to accusing her mother about prostitution? Seriously, reread the article. In my opinion, you got your wires crossed.
How did a concerned parent, such as Davina Sanders, has now been accused to be a 'bully'? So, in your opinion, would all 'concerned parents' be bullies? Seems like 'concerned resident of Hauula' is holding out on her identification and relationship to this situation. There seems to be a sedition angle for this 'concerned resident of Hauula'.
Why would it be an unthinkable truth that evidently drug abuse, prostitution, and unsafe conditions exist on hawaii public school campuses, especially amongst DOE teachers and administrations? Don't get me wrong, I believe there are a some good and honest teachers and administrators out there, but at this time are being retaliated upon due to their boldness and honesty or are fearful of the SYSTEM LORDS themselves so remain passive. So, how do you weed out the wheat from tares? How do we judge? And who are we to do so?
I believe being a parent is a divine calling and if society says otherwise then beaware. For this parent Davina Sanders, to experience such an awful situation especially in the presence of her children and her mother and other children, I question the incompentency of the Police officers involved and the principal who commited such a henious act. I question the parents of Hauula Elementary School and all schools--are you just a 'dropoff-n-pickup' parent or are you truly involved.
I commend Davina Sanders for given us food for thought and somethin' to talk about.
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