Surfers Are The Most Uneducated Professional Athletes In America (maybe the world)
Well, it is surf season. I get to see more young men urinating in public, butt cracks in Foodland, illegal & backwards parking, trash cans piled with beer bottles. The first abandoned cars will start showing up just before Christmas, next wave after the New Year holiday and a steady crop of cars starting around March. Why are these people so inconsiderate, ignorant and insensitive? There was an article this past summer in The Honolulu Advertiser that might go a long way toward explaining this lack of intelligent behaviour - Surfing Groms Story
I have to disclose that while my family surfs, their passions have been football, soccer, basketball, swimming and my nephew the golf nut. So, while I am going to put some startling questions out there about education and surfing, it is not because I do not like athletics. I just think that surfers as a group/family have really got some issues with priorities and education.
The uneducated surfer phenomena could go a long way toward explaining the bizarre, wacko thought process of the ex pat California surfers and their kin who seem to dominate the dialogue over in the Sunset Beach area. They protest development while almost all of them who don't make money off of surfing are involved in laboring trades that involve construction and development (they probably did not go to far in their educational pursuits). They are too uneducated to understand the hypocrisy of that stance.
Instead of me running on and on I'll ask some questions and state some observations. Here we go.
- - How many Pro Surfers have graduated from college? (I can't think of any men and one woman).
- - How many Pro Surfers are high school grads? (I believe most are not).
- - How many grom surfers with their parents blessing and encouragement have blown off school to go surf when the waves are good? Under that vein, how many basketball, football, soccer, gymnastics, volleyball, baseball, football, etc. players blow off school to go play? My guess is not many because they would get kicked off the team. Contrast that with ANY CONTEST day on the North Shore and you'll see tons of groms like the ones in the Advertiser article at the beach, when school is in session. No wonder they grow up like their parents - ignorant but very opinionated.
- - How many professional surfers are able to make a decent living off of surfing? Maybe 50? Contrast that with how many athletes, organizations, schools, leagues, etc are able to sustain an economic structure in their respective sports.
- - How much does the surfing professional culture give back? Almost nothing, they are more about exploitation of kids. They give them stickers and an occasional board. Can you even imagine the outcry if a freaking 8 year old football player was given MONEY and the parents were happy about it? IT IS CRAZY THAT IT HAPPENS, IT IS SINFUL THAT THE PARENTS PURSUE THIS. I have a tremendous respect for Randy R. he really tries to give money back to charities. He gives a few thousand dollars each year to Sunset Beach El for hosting Surf Night. In contrast the "Evil Empire" Turtle Bay Resort has given away almost $500,000 since 2002 from their golf tournaments alone and have done it without fanfare, look it up.
- - There is no punishment for the these baby professionals in terms of being educated. They get paid if they go to school or not. If the waves are good, these parents think their kids should be in the water, not in the classroom with their peers who play other sports. Those other sports kids have to keep up grades in order to play. For many sports they have to go to college to pursue the next level. Surfers do not even have to graduate from Grammar School.
It is easy to see how this cycle of under education can be harmful. All kids dream and should be somewhat delusional in what they strive to achieve. That is healthy. But delusional parents are dangerous, especially when they damage their kids futures based on a very slim chance of success in a sport with limited opportunities.
The exploitation of the kids by the surf industry should stop. The parents who support this abuse should be arrested.
At 11/27/2007 10:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for writing this article.
I think we're perpetuating an image to the world that in Hawaii, all you have to do is just live on the beach, drink, and surf - the "Ainokea" attitude. There's a dwindling sense of social responsibility and personal accountability these days and weakening moral fiber among our young people that needs to be addressed. It's great that we have beaches and a unique recreation to our islands, but really, there is so much more to life than just hitting the water.
At 11/27/2007 10:49 AM,
Toegee-Jon Midpoint said…
Very well said Daniel. It is sad that this attitude is often the parents fault. Like any sports the Surfing parent can be a nut job about their kid. Surfing though, has no rules about school. Without rules, often times the kids and parents fall well short of good behavior.
At 12/03/2007 4:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
visit the Surfrider Foundation and Surf Aid International and see if you change your idea about surfers and responsibility and education
At 10/26/2008 8:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
My son is one of those kids you talk about, mini yrs old and getting paid. But the kids you refer to at Sunset, are most likely, none of the high ranking or paid groms you are trying to portray in your lecture. I will take the time to educate you on the subject, because it seems you have one side of a story here. I am one of those parents, and, Yes, my kid was making duckies by 8, but, no school, no surf, is the rule in my house. My goal, should he make it in the surfing world, is to produce the 1st Pro surfer that DOES have a college degree. He maintains a 4.0 average all year, and thanks to his sponsors, his college will be payed for by 13. Also, now he can afford private travel along tutors. In the past I will agree, that education was sidelined, and stupidity in the surfing community still runs rampant because of it.( we hear them in the water running their mouths...uhm..Liam..) But don't toss the whole truck in just for a few bad Liam apples, because I know for a fact that whole idealism has changed immensely. And as far as the parents go,...the ones who don't care about education? I suspect they will most likely have their children living with them under the Sunset Beach bridge, or in their car down at beachpark 10-20 years from now, and will still be bothering you at Sunset!
At 10/28/2008 2:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anoymous Good Surfer Parent, congratualtions on raising your child and on finding this post.
How did you find it anyway?
That aside, for you to wish to be the parent of the first pro surfer to graduate from college is commendable. The fact that he could be the first is deplorable,despicable and proves my point (not any fault of you or your child.
Good luck I wish you both well.
Toegee-Jon Midpoint
At 10/29/2008 12:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
haha, Thank you, but I agree with you on that note. You will find parents talking the same ideas as I do, until they are selling out when the money rolls in. I almost felt defeated as I mentioned my son maybe being the first? I will stick to my guns til the bitter end, but I will not joke about it being a 24/7 job, keeping him balanced now, in his teens, around an uncompromising stockpile of ignorance that most parents I know are comfortable with....My words? Please keep pressing the issue!!!!
At 10/29/2008 5:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Good fortune to you super surfer parent.
Thank you for reading my comments, actually understanding them and intelligently commenting on them.
I really, really wish you and your family well.
Toegee-Jon Midpoint
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