Police Officers Of The North Shore, There Are Wrong Way Cars Parked on Kam Hwy.
In other places that I have lived, cars all park going in one direction, with traffic. It makes for much safer merging for both the parked cars, those driving and it looks nice and orderly.
I've noticed lately that on the North Shore it seems every 10th car is pointing the wrong way when they park. It's as if the drivers all of a sudden realize that they just have to park somewhere. Maybe it is to go the bathroom which I see some idiot surfers doing too frequently on the side of the road. Perhaps they just have to change clothes right now, which my grandson saw this morning on the way back from church. What ever the reason, I know it is against the law and gross.
In NYC, Rudi enforced minor violations figuring that they contribute to a general sense of disregard for the law. He tightened up on all violations and all crime rates subsequently dropped.
North Shore Police Officers, please start enforcing some of these totally disregarded laws.
- - Please ticket the wrong way parkers.
- - Please ticket the illegal fires on the beach.
- - Please ticket the illegal campers on the beach.
- - Please ticket the cars that refuse to stop for people in crosswalks.
- - Please ticket people for urinating in public (or at least the ones who do it on Kam Hwy for goodness sake).
I know the City and County could use the revenue and I am tired of seeing all of these morons just doing whatever the hell they please. I beg of you to start enforcing the law, good things will happen I am sure.
At 11/27/2007 1:42 PM,
Hawaiian I said…
This is directed to this blog's writer, is not meant for publication.
I am very interested in your perspective. Would you be willing to share any background on yourself?
Here's mine:
Kamehameha Schools graduate (Hall of Fame member), old timer, widely published author, known at "Mea Kakau."
Hawaiian I
At 11/27/2007 3:35 PM,
Toegee-Jon Midpoint said…
Aloha Hawaiian I.
I live here on the North Shore of Oahu, H.S. here, college on the Mainland and lived there many years, but now I am back on the North Shore. Grandparent, Tutu, many relatives.
I choose to remain anonymous because the things I think and write disturb many people and you know how small town this place can be.
I am the last person most people think I am.
Mahalo for posting.
At 12/03/2007 7:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
I think that there is plenty of law on this side of the island. Most of us that live here are trying to stay away from the "big brother" that townside has way too much of.
Lets leave the north shore country and quit inviting more cops to hastle the people.
I have been reading your blogs and you mostly makes sense but lets keep the excessive harassment from the police off north shore...
What is up with the link "morons" to the surfers. Seems to me if you don't like surfers you may be living in the wrong community.
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