Turtle Bay To Become Homeless Shelter And Teaching Farm
This is my 100th post.
I have heard rumors from HIGH people near the Governor that her real plan is to solve two big problems with one big purchase.
Turtle Bay will become a homeless shelter.
The existing hotel will shelter about 450 families. Kuilima Estate condos leasehold will not be renewed and the condo owners will have to eventually give up their homes so an additional 500 families can live there. The flat areas of the golf courses that consist of 90 tee boxes on the Palmer Course, 36 on the Fazio Course and 36 greens on both will be used for tent structures to house hundreds of additional families. The zoning for the possible addition of up to 3,500 more units adds to the flexibility in expanding the number of families that could live there eventually.
Now the kicker.
These people could also work at Turtle Bay. Kuilima used to be sugar cane land and the golf courses are irrigated. The Gov, being a private enterprise, personal responsibilty type Republican will utilize the fairways of the golf course and the existing farm land that Turtle Bay Resort owns Mauka of Kam Highway to teach all of the families that live there to learn how to grow organic foods. That way an entire generation of future farmers will be able to sustain all of Hawaii with home grown herbs and other useful plants. We will be able to feed ourselves and save energy (an additional bonus) while employing and housing all the homeless.
Since the recent SuperFerry laws make all land adjacent to state roads (Kam Hwy. on the North Shore) subject to intense enviromental review, the Gov can set any conditions on the land that she wants. I heard she will be fair and take advantage of a 2 for 1 coupon that Turtle Bay plans to run in the PennySaver. "Buy one acre, get one free." Since Turtle Bay was appraised for $1 Billion dollars, Slick Linda will be able to purchase it for only $5oo,ooo,ooo, SUCH A DEAL.
I am sure that Turtle Bay will be kept in the same pristine condition as the other assets the state owns or controls over here on the North Shore like Kamehameha Hwy, the parks and the UH Agricultural facility. Just take a look at how well maintained, planned and cared for those entities are and you'll get an idea of the future as we await the Government taking care of us.
I just hope this plan is handled as well as the Super Ferry was, we'll be in for a treat over here on the North Shore.
At 1/23/2008 5:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is just a joke by you, right? You don't actually think that is the plan? You are being sarcastic, correct?
If not, you are terribly, terribly misinformed.
At 1/24/2008 7:38 AM,
Toegee-Jon Midpoint said…
Of course I am serious. I have heard it from very HIGH people in the Administration. I mean really really really HIGH.
At 1/30/2008 11:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ya, someone is HIGH alright...
At 2/05/2008 2:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
You have discredited anything you have ever said or ever will say with this laughable suggestion and claim to have a source in the administration. I don't know what's more funny, this STORY or the STORY on fish in Shark's Cove being hurt by drum circle. At least your blog is good for a laugh!!!
At 2/05/2008 3:13 PM,
Toegee-Jon Midpoint said…
I guess you did not know that "high" has more than one definition. I said I heard from "high" people in the adminstration, not a "source".
This is meant to be satire, I thought that was obvious, but I guess not. I thought the 2 for 1 acre in the PennySaver was a dead giveawzy.
I hope I still have some credit some where...
Thanks for reading and even more for commenting.
PS, the fish story was made up as well, I did not speak to any fish or exchange emails with them before I wrote it.
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