Aloha SBS Open Turtle Bay Resort, "Another One Bites The Dust"
- The Star Bulletin reports that the SBS Open is going bye bye. They also point out that the Hula Bowl is gone as well, I missed that one.
- So the Serial Protester idiots are getting their way. Hawaii is losing events, losing marketing, losing tourists, losing development jobs and losing their minds.
- But hey, surf's up dude.
Wie off to good start, but will it be enough?
By Dave Reardon POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Feb 13, 2009 Another one bites the dust.That's the only conclusion we can come to with the news of SBS -- Korea's largest TV network -- ending its sponsorship agreement with the LPGA tour. Simply put, there is no SBS Open at Turtle Bay without SBS.
The LPGA announced a new hookup with JoongAng Broadcasting, which takes SBS out of the picture. Not coincidentally, the tour also gave word of a new event to be sponsored by JBC -- in Southern California.
It's conceivable an event could be added on either side of the Kapalua Classic in October in future years. But don't count on it.
Hawaii has lost all these sports events in just the past few months: Pro Bowl, Hula Bowl, Fields Open and the Turtle Bay Champions event.
The Hula Bowl was on life support the past 10 years, anyway, and just kind of withered away after its significance died with the explosion of mainland all-star games; so a revival in conjunction with the Pro Bowl is intriguing.
Still there really is no reason why a deal shouldn't have been done already for the Pro Bowl. Yes, the NFL plays hardball, but it's an event too fiscally important for the state to mess around with. Get it done already...
Full article HERE
At 3/04/2009 8:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
where did you go?
At 4/21/2009 7:02 PM,
andrea jonna charuk said… land is not just a magical staging area for the world's wet dreams. we have so much more to offer. if we took half the money spent on marketing and prepackaging "aloha" to lure the masses, and transferred it into programs to help our youth realize a goal of sustainable living in the HAWAIIAN context, we'd be off to a good start. jobs on the land, jobs breaking us from our dependency on outside assistance (i.e. shipping) nana i ke kumu, look to the source. there we will find the solution. its easy to just stay the course with what we know makes us money, but is it pono? i'm not perfectly righteous. i'm guilty of a multitude of sins of the modern world but i try to make it more right everyday. and i think we need to focus our economic attention elsewhere
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