Some Of You Got It re The "Ding Dong" Carol Post.
Yes, the Wizard of Oz was what I was thinking about.
Yes, that is why Carol's numbers are bigger than others because she was the "Witch" and Gil Was Gil.
No, I can not understand how you would NOT "get" my humor.
No & No - So now it is on to Gil The Serial Protester vs. Mushy Middle Mike.
As in most Hawaii politics, a rotten choice between 2 mediocre, pandering, mealy mouthed, low intellect wimps.
So smart guys, how are you going to replace the jobs at Turtle Bay Resort when they go under?
At 10/10/2008 11:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well considering that this website is devoted to turning the North Shore into the next Waikiki then your opinion of Carol Philips is spot on. My educated guess is that she will continue to do anything she can to Keep the Country Country in spite of your sites anonymous slanderous attempts to discredit her.
At 11/18/2008 4:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
Lets get our Hawaiian people their federal indigenous peoples recognition.
Economic self sufficiency and self governance on indigenous peoples land.
Give them back Turtle Bay as new Hawaiian People Casino & Resort. Send all Hawaiian Children to first class universitites and create jobs...i.e, Native Americans.
Sorry, State Leg. and State Executive Branch and Judiciary you guys are all in bed with the same establishment that stole Hawaii.
PS. Carol Philips is a nobody! Let her disappear. Let her slink back under the belly of the dead stinking Kahuku whale!
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