Star Bulletin Says Full Speed Ahead On Buying Turtle Bay
The Star Bulletin had an editorial encouraging the State to Buy Turtle Bay. My response in their comments below. This is a win win for the North Shore Serial Protester Surfers. Townies pay the bill, North Shore stays the same.
Most of what is written about Turtle Bay is very inaccurate. I cover a lot of this in my open letter to Governor Lingle on my blog - My Open Letter to Governor Lingle. The worst is the news and the Serial Protesters always saying Oaktree was going to start building 3,500 units. The truth is they were starting to build on land that is zoned for up to 3,500 units. That is a HUGE difference. The market is over for mega hotels. People want boutique hotels - less expensive and dense. That is what would have been built.
So now what is going to happen? Hawaii's economy is going to be very bad for the next 2-5 years. Oaktree will not be able to sell the property, there will be a massive lawsuit and you SUCKERS over in town will be paying the North Shore surfers somewhere between $600 -$800 million after all the lawyers, accountants, bankers, bureaucrats all get their fees.
Governor Lingle screwed this one royally and will be running for the US Senate by the time you all pay the bill.
At 7/03/2008 9:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
"The worst is the news and the Serial Protesters always saying Oaktree was going to start building 3,500 units. The truth is they were starting to build on land that is zoned for up to 3,500 units. That is a HUGE difference."
Oaktree was never going to build a single hotel room. They simply wanted to get Turtle Bay in shape to be sold. Part of what would make Turtle Bay an actractive purchase was the Permit to expand the hotel. Who knows what the new owners would have built, but it is important that they (ie any potential buyers) be aware of the feelings of the community. If Oaktree or any future owners had no interest in building 3500 additional rooms, why didn't Oaktree just negotiate with the community over an acceptable number of rooms and apply for a new permit for that number of rooms and settle the issue. Had they done this they could have sold TB and not have gone into foreclosure.
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