Paumalu Press vs. Forbes Magazine
I got my copy of the Paumalu Press in the mail. Much like her friends who feel the same, Karen Gallagher wants to stop private entities from the rights that they have with the property they have purchased within our Capitalist system. A month or so ago, a friend sent me an editorial that was in Forbes Magazine. It equated radical environmentalism with Communism and Socialism. It reminded me of the rabid anti everything people right here on our North Shore. Here is the link to the entire editorial - Forbes Editorial - Green-Colored Communism, I picked out some of the passages that just sounded like our neighbors and friends who seem to forget that private property owners have rights.
Good for Karen for putting out a magazine that pushes her beliefs. It is my belief that Karen has done great to raise her family, while doing all of those odd jobs and being a business owner here on the North Shore. The irony of her stance is that the very things she opposes have provided the means for the children of the North Shore to be able to get their educations paid for by their employed parents. It will eventually lead to those educated children coming home to careers that will enable them to live and commute on the North Shore.
Why are the Communist/Socialist/North Shore Environmentalists so blinded by their unyielding stances that they can not see that?
Karen, loved the Waikiki picture but you should read the real statistics in my Waikiki Post - Will Turtle Bay Become Another Waikiki?. You can see how distorted your inference is.
Without further ado, a word from Forbes.
...Environmentalists portray the ANWR dispute as a big-oil plot to desecrate a beautiful, pristine area. This image is preposterous. That 2,000-acre lot is bleak, even in summer. The size of the drilling area would be about the equivalent of a sugar cube in a football stadium. And the technology exists to do the job in an absolutely environmentally sound way. This is not theory. Oil and/or gas drilling already takes place in more than 30 wildlife refuges in the U.S.
,,,Environmentalists are mute about the fact that last summer's devastating hurricanes, including Katrina, which literally blew away offshore platforms, did not lead to oil spills like that of the Exxon Valdez...
...Sadly, environmental extremists are not using the green movement to give us cleaner air and a higher standard of living as we grow and expand economically but to halt economic progress altogether. Socialism and communism are dead, discredited by the ghastly experiences of the 20th century. But the socialist agenda lives on in this perversion of environmentalism.
Full Text here
At 10/30/2006 8:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Aloha Karen. If you goal is to educate people as opposed to stopping everything you write about in your magazine, I'd be very surprised.
I respect your work ethic and vision of having the North Shore be the place you want it to be. I just think you and the others are attempting to impose your will on private property owners with rights and a significant amount of silent supporters.
You and your friends will do and say anything to get your way, and that is the American/Californian way.
More power to you, just don't be surprised if people who disagree with you think is futile to have a conversation about it.
Again, my offer to post on my blog is open to you or the others at
any time, without censure.
At 11/01/2006 3:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Aloha Toegee,
On your blog you said:
"I just think you and the others are attempting to impose your will on private property owners with rights and a significant amount of silent supporters."
The city and county of Honolulu has a master plan for the North Shore and has determined diferent zoning areas to accomplish this goal. The north shore comunity has oposed developments where property owners have attempt to change the existing zoning as in the case of Turtle Bay.
I think the developers are trying to impose their will not the other way arround.
At 11/01/2006 5:04 PM,
Toegee-Jon Midpoint said…
Ummm, since when did Turtle Bay try to change zoning? The big idea by KNSC and DOC is that the zoning TB is trying to use is too old. Opponants of TB want to change the existing zoning.
You got it backwards.
I suggest you read a post I did a while back so you can get some background on the TB issue. Here is the link.
At 6/15/2007 10:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Look...Paumalu Press, just like any other media, is a form of expression. I do not know how you can link North Shore protesters to communist/socialists or use indirect personal attacks on Karen, it makes your arguments no better and quite unmerited. We live in a free society and it happens that much of the community agress with opinions expressed in the Paumalu Press. The Press and your blog does a great service to our community by creating social friction through freedom of speech that characterizes democracy (not socialism/communism). It seems the point of the Paumalu Press is to reinforce the community-wide movement against Turtle Bay because of obvious reason. Let the people judge the merits of both sides and both forms of media. It makes society better...use statistics not far-flung opinions from a random Forbes article (hence, travesty of McCarthyism). Let us make educated opinions and decisions based on fact.
At 6/19/2007 11:32 AM,
Toegee-Jon Midpoint said…
Matt C. I am not sure if you read the Forbes article. If you did, you'd see that radical enviromentalism (which has a strong hold on the North Shore) is similar to the restrictive, state rule that socialism and communism held at their core.
Radical envirormentatlism with it's do nothing, save everything, stop everything philosopy is just as great a threat to individual liberty and the economy that socialism was.
I stand by comments and the validity of the comparison.
At 10/16/2008 8:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
What about the rights of the Hawaiian people getting their land returned to them after it was stolen by rogue business owners. Is this the continuing saga of the capitalist plan? To eliminate a people and squash their culture? What little respect you have for the 'aina, for the kanaka and ultimately for humanity. If being Hawaiian is a "socialist" behavior, so be it. They are the only ones who truly deserve to decide what happens to this land.
At 2/12/2009 11:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
The individuals & gov reps that try to stop any and all building by private developers are not helping but certainly hurting the local population. I absolutely agree that the North Shore doesn't need any more multi million dollar homes pushing up taxes and driving out the local working class population. What about the local population? What about the low income population?
I have to agree with Mr. Jackson, Secretary of HUD when he says, “Red tape is literally choking the life out of housing that’s affordable to working
families. Today, I’m calling on local communities to join us as we identify and remove these man-made barriers that prevent teachers, police officers, firefighters and others from living in communities of their choice. These are people who are the backbone of any community. We want them to be able to not just serve their community but be able to afford to live in it.”
I dont know how many others of you have lost money because of the insane regulatory barriers and feet dragging of the local authorities but I am sure it is many.
Building out North Shore for the millionares is a sticky subject but... But why stop the building of affordable housing on state land that has been slated for development for years? Doesn't it make sense to get the lots back to collecting taxes for communities?
Why can only the rich have homes?
Why can only the rich get through the reg barriers?
Where will the local population live when all the homes are over a million?
How much red tape do we need and why do the neighborhood boards with obvious agendas of their own have such incredible power when it is not in the poeples best interest?
How long with the people allow this to go on?
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