I Don't Want a Keeper, I Don't Need a Defender.
Well the opponents to Turtle Bay are no doubt spitting vindictives, gnashing their teeth and getting ready to protest and intimidate some more. The word finally got out that the subdivision approval was voted on and stamped on September 29th - Advertiser Story, Star Bulletin Story .
I think I now know what makes me inclined to present the Turtle Bay side - it is the Brown Shirt intimidation tactics, discussion stifling, uncivilized manner of the opponents to Turtle Bay. It is the same bunch of serial protesting NIMBY Mafia that has opposed every single change on the North Shore.
This cabal are so self-righteous and denigrating about how they know what is right for the community. They make me ill.
They have effectively stopped anyone from expressing any opinion other than their own. If you want proof, think back to the Neighborhood Board meetings with regards to Turtle Bay, The Mall, V-Land, Surfing Contests - etc. These thugs shout down people, use abusive language and threatening manners and outside of the meetings social stink eye. There are many that favor Turtle Bay, but they do not say anything, it is not worth it.
The fanatical freaks who oppose Turtle Bay are SCARY, we dare not publically confront or contradict them. We choose to remain anonymous out of fear.
They look down their noses at our primarily brown skinned people who work at Turtle Bay and say things like "those are jobs no one wants". "Who wants to have our kids clean bathrooms for a living."
Then they tell lies like Turtle Bay is going to be another Waikiki, Turtle Bay has done nothing in 20 years, Turtle Bay is going to pave over Kawela Bay.
What a bunch of brutish beasts. It will be so sad for them when their children and grandchildren wind up working for an expanded Turtle Bay Resort in the not to distant future.
These lying, intimidating, know it all elitist can kiss my big, brown ... Now, now hold on, slow down Toegee-Jon, you are starting to sound like those fascists over in Sunset Beach.
At 10/23/2006 4:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow. Tell us how you REALLY feel.
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