Lamest Protest EVER
- 11:30 -8
- 12:30 - 10 to 12
- 3:30 - 14
- 4:30 - 12
This includes the "band", those waving signs and those behind and in front of the desk. I did not notice a single face that I have not seen at other protests. It looks like the Serial Protesters are pretty much the only ones outraged by the total destruction Turtle Bay will bring to the North Shore if they turn over one shovel full of dirt.
If the TV cameras came out, I am sure all the foaming at the mouth wackos were all herded together in one place. Then, full of purple rage, they put on an emotional show. It will wind up looking like a lot more on the small screen. I'm sure Defend Oahu and Keep The North Shore Country will say hundreds stopped by and signed petitions, made signs, were outraged, yada...yada.... This bunch does know how to spin PR, but trust me people, it is a big shabai.
To bad a surf contest wasn't going on, Gil (who I saw) and his Let's Surf Coalition could have gotten in a 2 for 1 protest.
Also, when is Keep The North Shore Country going to tell us about the "event wrap-up may be posted later today" from their last fund raiser. That blurb has been on their home page for the last month. Not a lot of full disclosure in that bunch is there?
UPDATE DONE - Keep The North Shore Country Does an Event Wrap Up. The following was posted on 12-18-06. Nice first step, but how much money and how are you spending it?
Fundraising Dinner a Huge Success Our fundraiser at Waimea Valley on November 25th was a great success as nearly 300 people came out to raise money for the legal actions and enjoy a fabulous meal, friendship and entertainment. The band Wayfinder provided great music from the time the doors opened, through dinner and to the close of the silent auction, when John Cruz took the stage and played until the party ended. A positive energy filled the pavilion throughout the night and was strenghtened by comments from our legal team. With that kind of enthusiasm, it should not be difficult to do similar events again and again. It is clear that we gain strength as every day passes. - 12/18/06
I'd suggest checking out Turtle Bay's Kuilima website that covers the development. They have a much more honest and fact filled discussion - link here -
The protesters did have a lot of ugly, hand scrawled signs up and down Kam Hwy. - more irony as the Outdoor Circle people probably do not like that.
At 12/18/2006 10:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Protetesting makes absolute sense to bring awareness to your point of view. If you think it is going to solve anything, you actually have to take the next step. Regardless of whether you agree with Blake and Jack, they did take the next step. They decided to have a conversation, and share a point of view. They took the opportunity to be heard, but to do so, they also were forced to listen. That is typically what happens in a negotiation. Like it or not, that is what this is. You can be a serial protestor, or you can make a difference. Organize something beyond a protest. Those that are serious about their agenda should get involved beyond sign waving. Organize an agenda and a dialogue, and if your argument is compelling enough, deep enough, you might actually get past a judge, you might actually get an audience with the developer, and you might actually get legitmate concerns heard.
Wouldn't it be amazing if we were actually asked to participate in the process? Toegee, this is your strongest point. is the first time I've seen a "public" posting of the developer's agenda. Take them up on their offer, and contact them and ask legitimate questions. Get involved. Call their bluff and take this as an opportunity to preserve/create your vision of The North Shore.
Contact them... or are you afraid they might actually be willing to talk to you about your isuue.
At 12/19/2006 6:48 PM,
Toegee-Jon Midpoint said…
You nailed it. Blake and Jack are buying the land. They took the next step. Unfortunately in their case it is a short cut.
Ironically, they as the new land owners, are going to do the very thing they criticize the developers over - not delivering on promises to the community.
Right now that land has a promise to the community - a YMCA. They want to strip that condition out of the agreement.
I say let them buy it, but also have them fulfill the obligation. If they don't it will be gone forever.
At 12/28/2006 2:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
What is your real name and how long have you have you worked for Oaktree ? Next time concentrate on driving and spend less time counting protesters.
At 12/28/2006 5:42 PM,
Toegee-Jon Midpoint said…
"Curious Anonymous", I do not work for Oaktree. I do not dare give my name because there are a bunch of people on the North Shore who can not handle the truth. Especially in this a case like this where the truth is nothing like the propaganda.
Face it, I am the the alternative voice on the North Shore.
Feel free to comment anonymously or go ahead and leave your name.
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